Is this Philadelphia’s most DANGEROUS driver?

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

If there’s a spectrum of driving, then this person is on the far end of the ‘incredibly dangerous’ section where their driver’s license should be removed immediately. That is because they were pictured trying to do a turn on the busy expressway. It goes without saying that if this person was hit by oncoming traffic while performing the maneuver, then it could have been fatal.

Unsurprisingly, Philly locals weren’t impressed and one branded them with the unwanted “Idiotic driver of the day award”. On reflection, you could claim that they deserved the award for the entire month though and this could have easily turned nasty. This sighting took place on the Vine Street Expressway which has unfortunately had its fair share of chaotic driving incidents over the years.

Due to the grainy footage, the license plate couldn’t be recorded – which means that this individual probably got away with their reckless driving. It also prompted a fairly sad response on social media, where one person proclaimed, “Then we wonder why anyone that doesn’t live here hates us as drivers.”

As defeatist as this sounds, it’s no secret that Philadelphia drivers have a bad reputation – and while most of them are good, honest drivers, it only takes a small minority to destroy the reputation. On a final note, it’s good to see these driving habits named and shamed which will hopefully shift the public consciousness towards more safe and responsible driving.