Is this Pittsburgh’s most dangerous speed bump? Locals BLAST ‘damaging’ bump

June 20, 2023 by 7 Comments

On Saturday evening, a local Pittsburgh man documented his ride home which apparently would cost him around $5,000-$6,000 in damages to repair. This was done on a journey on the 376 which saw his car cruise over the bump. Apparently, this bent four of his wheels and broke two tires in the process. Unsurprisingly, he was not happy.

Luckily, this incident was caught on his dashcam and highlighted just how invasive this speed bump was. We’re not talking a couple of inches either, as the bump is clearly quite high (as seen in the image below). According to the victim, they later spoke to a PennDOT inspector who claimed it “would have never allowed this on a highway” which says it all.

With speeds well over 70MPH on this stretch, you can see how this ramp would cause problems. Over the years, the 376 has had a number of accidents too, which may have been influenced by the speed bump in question. Overall, many agreed with this mans claim, albeit no one mentioned any long-term damage to their vehicles.

Interestingly, not everyone agreed though – with lots of regulars on the 376 claiming that the bump was noticeable, but not that bad. Some even claimed he was exaggerating his claims and that even light cars could handle it. Irrespective of this, it’s still awful news and the costs associated with the repairs sound like rotten luck. So, what do you think about Pittsburgh’s 376 speed bump…is it truly that bad or is this a case of being over the top?

7 Replies to “Is this Pittsburgh’s most dangerous speed bump? Locals BLAST ‘damaging’ bump”

  1. Greek says:

    I’m not familiar with this bump in particular, however, it’s annoying how poorly the roads are maintained in this state and how lengthy the construction of fixing them is. We need more articles like this, but let’s shed light on those at the top as well and how they all need replaced.

  2. R Robinson says:

    On a major highway a “speed bump” is insane. I travel this highway everyday and everyday I hit it I wonder what damage this is doing to my car. Penndot needs to correct this problem immediately!!!!

  3. Robert Goetz says:

    This *bump* is RIDICULOUS;I believe the speed limit there is 50 or 55mph. What the hell is that bump doing there?

  4. Cliffton Davis says:

    It is that bad I drive it everyday and itches caused wheel damage on my 2011 Cadillac SRX . It does need to be repaired asap & should have been addressed before now

  5. Joseph Brandtner says:

    That should not be permitted on a highway!

  6. Bind says:

    I think it’s too big because it could do damage overall it’s not noticeable when driving to work at 3:00 a.m. in the morning so I would say either take it down and make it smaller before a lot of other people call and complain and I’ll be one of them I go to speed limit but you can still feel the thump after you drive over it on 55 miles an hour

  7. Michele Ann conley says:

    PenDot needs to spend more time and money fixing the roads instead of adding speed bumps and bike lanes! This is ALL way out of control.