Is this San Antonios WORST rental property?

July 6, 2023 by 1 Comment

Like most of the country, rent prices have been rising lately and San Antonio is no different. However, if you heard that there was a place for as little as $650 per month then you’d probably be interested. Sadly, it’s priced like that for a reason. In fact, even at $650 per month, it’s not really worth it.

This is because it’s literally a 20 feet shipping container and that’s it. Now, here’s where it gets even worse. Despite there being two containers shown in the photo, this price is only for the bottom one. In other words, it seems as though someone is already paying $650 for the top container.

Of course, this means less space, but also less noise. Remember, it’s not like your rooms are divided by concrete, and sound can easily travel through metal much easier. For those wondering, this is located near the Bazan Library.

It also poses the question whether these containers are legal – which may or may not be the case. Having said this, it does include a bathroom at least – which must be impressively tucked into the space somehow. As well, you’d imagine living there may get unbearably hot during the summer months.

Having said this, not everyone was put off, with one local claiming, “Has anyone else priced out apartments lately? If I were single, no kid I’d be all over that.” Perhaps this says more about the San Antonio housing crisis than it does with this actual property.

One Reply to “Is this San Antonios WORST rental property?”

  1. marc says:

    yep, rent is too expensive now. getting creative with these containers seems to be the way to go.