Is this the CRAZIEST driver in Alaska? Video shows dangerous balancing act with snowmobile

June 22, 2023 by No Comments

In one of the craziest Anchorage traffic videos you’ll probably see this year, a passenger filmed a wild driver on the Alaskan roads. Here, they were caught hauling a snowmobile on the back of a sawn-off pick up truck. All the while, this was attached to the main car with a precarious piece of rope. In other words, there were two possible dangers at play here.

The first reason was that the rope looks pretty thin and flimsy. Therefore, if this snapped or came loose, the DIY car-come-trailer could have come dis-attached at any moment. Undoubtedly, this could have easily caused an accident, which would have been made even worse in the snowy Alaskan weather.

Secondly was the actual snowmobile. Let’s imagine the rope actually did its job. The snowmobile was almost tilted towards to the floor, as if it was moments away from falling onto the pavement. Thankfully, it looks as though this snowmobile made the journey – but this may have been to do with luck rather than skill. Talking of luck, it would also be impossible to prosecute the driver for dangerous driving, as their plates were covered up by black dirt. This just about sums the whole affair up.

Because of the wild scenes, the video was captioned, “Alaska is like the cold version of Florida” in a nod towards the shenanigans caught on camera. One Twitter user even wrote, “They just have moose instead of gators.”

With this in mind, don’t ever let anyone tell you that Anchorage is sleepy and boring…in fact you could argue that it’s one of the most exciting states going!