Is this the CREEPIEST conspiracy theory in Portland? We check out The Shanghai Tunnels

May 14, 2023 by No Comments

Over the years, the city of Portland has been the subject of various conspiracy theories and urban myths. Perhaps the most prominent one of them all is the theory based on the infamous Shanghai Tunnels. These are a series of underground tunnels under Chinatown and surrounding areas that have been the subject of speculation for decades.

Originally mentioned in the 19th century, these were originally built for ships to transport goods to local businesses. Of course, the alternative theories are way cooler than this – which we shall now discuss below:


One of the most persistent myths is that the tunnels were used to “Shanghai” or kidnap unsuspecting individuals who would then be sold as forced labor on ships. According to the legend, people would be drugged or abducted from local bars and then transported through the tunnels to waiting ships on the Willamette River. However, historical evidence suggests that while Shanghaiing did occur in Portland during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there is little concrete evidence to support the claim that the tunnels were extensively used for this purpose.

No wonder The Shanghai Tunnels are often described as creepy!


Human trafficking and secret brothels: Another popular myth is that the tunnels were used for human trafficking and as secret underground brothels. According to this legend, women would be kidnapped or lured into the tunnels and forced into prostitution. While it is true that underground vice and illegal activities did exist in Portland’s past, there is limited evidence to substantiate the claims of extensive secret brothels or human trafficking operations within the tunnels.

Hidden treasure and hidden rooms

Some myths suggest that there are hidden rooms or secret chambers within the tunnels where valuable treasures are stored. These stories often involve tales of hidden gold, artifacts, or lost loot from various criminal activities. While the tunnels do contain a rich history, there is no credible evidence to support the existence of secret rooms or hidden treasures within them.

Ghosts and paranormal activity

As with many underground locations, the Portland Shanghai Tunnels have their fair share of ghost stories and tales of paranormal activity. Visitors and tour guides have reported experiencing strange sounds, apparitions, and eerie sensations while exploring the tunnels. However, such experiences are highly subjective and typically rooted in folklore rather than verifiable evidence.

It’s important to note that while the Portland Shanghai Tunnels were historically used for legitimate purposes such as transportation, storage, and utility access, some illegal activities did take place in the underground spaces. However, the extent of these activities and their association with the specific myths surrounding the tunnels is often exaggerated or unsubstantiated. The myths surrounding the Portland Shanghai Tunnels have become a part of the city’s folklore and add to its mysterious allure, but they should be taken with a grain of salt when considering historical accuracy.