Is this the most beautiful view in Hawaii? Koko Head peak shows stunning rainbow

June 17, 2023 by No Comments

Undeniably, Hawaii is one of the most scenic states in the USA. In fact, you could argue that its views are completely unmatched and it’s actually the best state as far as views are concerned. However, even by Hawaiian standards, this view was something else. As seen below, this was photographed from the peak of Koko Head. When locals saw this picture, they described it as a mixture of ‘astounding’, ‘incredible’, and ‘amazing’.

Apparently, the climb to the top is 1,048 steps – so it isn’t for the fainthearted, especially during Hawaiian summer. Not only this, but it’s very steep and takes the average person around one hour to complete. Nonetheless, it’s definitely worth it with views like this. As you can make it, it really captures the beauty that the island has to offer. Here, we can see the beauty of the trees, mountainous peaks in the distance, the ocean, and of course – a beautiful double rainbow to top things off.

For obvious reasons, the rainbow holds a special place in the heart of Hawaiians and this was captured at the perfect moment. Without sounding biased, you just can’t get views like this very often from the mainland. Hopefully, this picture has brightened up your day and shows that the best things in life are right in front of us.