Is this the most dangerous Intersection in Memphis? Locals seem to think so

July 7, 2023 by 8 Comments

If you’ve traveled around Memphis then you’ll probably be wary of this particular intersection. Specifically, we’re talking about Exit 13 which has an infamous merging point. As seen in the image below, a number of cars are waiting to enter the intersection which is already teeming with speeding traffic.

This is even further worsened by the additional ramp that was seemingly included to throw more chaos into the fire. If you’ve driven on this exit then you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about!

Speaking on social media, one resident claimed that it wasn’t the exit that was the problem, and instead it was the drivers of Memphis who had a bad attitude to driving. They said: “The problem is no one in Memphis knows how merging traffic should work. The cars on the off ramp should be spaced not riding each other’s backsides. The on ramp vehicles should not stop at all but slow down or speed up to merge in an opening between off ramp cars. But, why would we use common sense when we can Mad Max on every commute? Welcome to the thunder dome!”

This person seems to have a point, as despite the signage being awkward (and it could be laid out better in fairness), it’s still a case of basic driving skills which many people seem to be lacking. If you think there’s a riskier intersection in Memphis then let us know in the comments.

8 Replies to “Is this the most dangerous Intersection in Memphis? Locals seem to think so”

  1. Stephanie key says:

    Absolutely nobody in Memphis knows how to zipper merge basically they can’t drive everyone’s angry uptight and disgruntled the police do nothing about these unlicensed drivers with bogus tags out here driving 120 on the expressway everybody’s in way too big of a hurry and wrap too tight it has nothing to do with the exit or intersection they just simply Drive thinking only of their self typical Memphis mentality

    1. robert ray says:

      A little punctuation would help everyone understand your message. However, point taken.

      1. Tony says:

        Merging on the interstate does not mean stop it has no stop sign there it is to yield to oncoming traffic and merge in Walnut Grove. It’s tricky because the idiots stop and the other ones rear end because her on her cell phone.

    2. Maxine says:

      Believe me, this is not just a Memphis problem. I lived in California for years and they drive the same way.

  2. R Lawrence says:

    Bob, you may have to explain the word ‘punctuation’

  3. cameron frechette says:

    What about the I240 Airways off Rampt to go easy? It has about 25 yards of the ramp to merge into I240 before you end up going onto the ramp back to Airways going north.

  4. Dot says:

    I drive this intersection/exit 13 everyday…… there’s a sign for the those coming off the ramp….it says yield/slow down….because those cars that are exiting I-240 is merging onto walnut grove going east….period!!!

  5. Laura Stephenson says:

    While this exit is pretty gnarly, I’ve always found Poplar to be the worst. At least Walnut Grove has reasonable acceleration lanes. Poplar is just as crowded, especially the west bound so called exit, and entrance ramps.
    Don’t even get me started on Malfunction Junction. Since the city Corp of engineers put those detour signs up, (this was actually my husband’s idea. He was able to speak to the right people.) the problems have gone down 90%.
    That won’t help this situation. Young, and not so young people, need to learn to slow down, and not ride each other’s bumpers. More police presence would help that greatly.
    That’s a whole other can of worms