Is this the most DANGEROUS road on Austin?

June 22, 2023 by No Comments

Spotted on 183 service road before MLK, this road was literally torn up and could easily cause your vehicle some serious damage. Further still, if your car hit this at the right speed, at the right angle, it could even prove to be fatal if you were unlucky enough. Remember, not everyone in Austin drives an SUV and some of the smaller cars may struggle when passing over this part of the pavement.

Perhaps the biggest issue with this is driving over it and damaging your tires. Understandably, you could easily pop tires doing this – so it’s something to be wary of. Speaking on this, locals said “I cannot believe the size and quantity of potholes I encounter daily in this town, and I moved here from Los Angeles. (Don’t hate on me, I was born and raised here and just lived abroad for a bit.)”

Another said, “I drove over that in my car today, even on 4 wheels it was sketchy. What is this garbage, an open roadway should never look like this, especially an access road where speeds are a little higher.”

In other words, the people are not happy – and rightly so. Remember, your taxes are meant to be spent on repairing stuff like this as it’s public use. Some even theorized on what caused this, with one person claiming the current heat could have caused it, whilst another believed it may be damage from the freeze of 2021.

Unsurprisingly, Austin residents have got together to report this – and you can also do your part as well. With more people reporting this to the relevant authorities, the more likely it is to get fixed. Remember, if you are passing this area to drive with caution and slowing don’t won’t hurt either.