Is this the most FRUSTRATING driving in Charlotte?

July 9, 2023 by No Comments

If you’ve driven around Charlotte then you’ll probably have wound up on 85 at some point and it’s not always pretty. Recently, this image captured the frustrations of thousands which showed one of the many reasons why it can be a nightmare to drive on at times.

Here, a small line had formed due to people misusing the ‘Free flowing right turn’ sign. Instead of actually using it to turn right, the drivers instead stayed stationary in the lane without going right. As a result, those who actually wanted to go right were temporarily stuck due to others abusing the lane.

While this wasn’t the biggest traffic jam in the world, it’s still little things like this that have made driving on 85 so infamous over the years. Sadly, those who use this route will also be all too familiar with this sight too – as it often happens and it isn’t a one-off either.

Speaking online, Charlotteans voiced their annoyances, with one claiming: “Wow. Every day. People just stop there like morons. How hard is it to just read the dang sign?” However, others claimed that it could be confusing for those using it for the first time. Nonetheless, the sign literally says “free flowing” which is more than a big enough clue.

As ever, this is arguably a case of poor road planning and infrastructure combined with a mixture of ignorant and selfish driving. The result is a community full of frustrated drivers who often question their sanity on 85.