Is this the most haunted pub in Portland?

June 4, 2023 by 3 Comments

Overall, it’s not too surprising that Portland has a lot of haunted stories. However, there is one that stands out more than most. This is the story of the White Eagle pub that is located in McMenamins. First founded in 1905 by Polish immigrants, this building has a lot of history. Over the years, this has had lots of haunted stories which will keep you on the edge of your seat. Here are some of their most haunted sightings…

Sam The Friendly Ghost

One apparition is known as Sam who is the most frequently encountered ghost. Sam’s history traces back to his upbringing in the pub, having been adopted by the owner when he was an orphan. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to the establishment, both living and working there until his passing in room two. Numerous guests have reported sightings of Sam in the pub’s hallways and rooms, recounting peculiar experiences of feeling his touch with icy hands. Additionally, some claim that Sam is responsible for unusual occurrences, such as mysteriously flushing the toilet in the main floor restroom and causing toilet paper to inexplicably flutter about in the women’s room.

Rose The Working Girl

According to the tale, Rose, a woman working at the brothel, found herself deeply enamored with one of her patrons, who desired to marry her and rescue her from that life. Unfortunately, the owner of the brothel strongly disapproved and took matters into his own hands, tragically ending Rose’s life. Visitors staying in room two have shared eerie accounts of hearing sorrowful cries and screams emanating from the closet within the room. Additionally, they describe overwhelming sensations of melancholy and grief when spending time in that particular area.

An early photo of the White Eagle, many years ago.

More Creepy Goings On

It’s not just a tale of two ghosts either – over the years there have been various other encounters with the paranormal. Some guests have described cold touches happening on their bodies – something that is commonly associated with ghosts. Once, someone even claimed they got pushed down the stairs by an unknown entity.

This isn’t too surprising, considering the history of the place. As pubs were notoriously violent places hundreds of years back, these stories go hand in hand. For instance, the White Eagle was once associated with the infamous Portland Shanghai tunnels. Having said this, there’s no concrete evidence between the two.

Similarly, it was also meant to be a brothel at one point, whilst also being involved with various brawls in the main section. As a result, some even claim there’s a haunted bouncer who also roams the place. So, if you have any personal stories involving the White Eagle, then let us know!

3 Replies to “Is this the most haunted pub in Portland?”

  1. Philip Broussard says:

    I’ve never been to White Eagle pub! But I am well aware of its haunted history. I’ve got plenty of ghost stories about various places in Portland, including at least two houses I’ve lived in. But I won’t bore you with all the details right now.

    1. robert wafford says:

      10th and washington st,kiddie corner to jakes ,finishing up my duties as a bartender at the front line,i was sitting at a table and someone walked by me,,it was a spirit,to this day i beleve a ghost past by .e.

  2. Willis keeney says:

    Never been any ghost site