Is this the most OVERPRICED rental in Portland? See what this bunkbed dorm is charging per month

May 20, 2023 by 1 Comment

We all know that property prices in Portland have been rising lately. Still…it seems that some people out there are taking the proverbial biscuit. As seen below, you can rent a ‘dormitory’ bunk bed in Portland for $199 per week, which equals almost $800 per month. Unsurprisingly, locals responded to this with a mixture of shock, humor, and disgust.

Upon first viewing, this looks like some kind of holiday camp set up, but sadly it’s completely legitimate. This means you’d have to live in a dorm with another person – talk about privacy! Not only this but it doesn’t even come with parking or a private bath. Now, if this was far cheaper then fair enough, but $800 is still $800!

Having said this, one local did point out why it’s so cheap – which kind of makes sense. They said, “There are plenty of $800 rooms on the market, and some less than that. This is a week to week temporary situation likely no questions asked. That’s why it costs more. It’s for travelers and/or sketchballs”

In other words, the majority of people using this accommodation are probably short-term, and therefore it’s more akin to a hostel, rather than a long-term living situation. At the same time, the point remains that $199 to share a room with a stranger is still a pretty wild price if you ask me. Unironically, another Portlander wrote, “15 years ago a single room occupancy was 450$ on nw 23. 800$ for a dorm sounds like SF especially in NE Portland”

So there we have it. Every week there seems to be some kind of crazy property going up in Portland…which is odd but this is Portland after all!

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