Is this the most stupid & impressively placed graffiti in Portland?

May 16, 2023 by 13 Comments

This week, some of the most impressively placed graffiti was photographed in Portland. This was tagged on one of the pillars of the Marquam Bridge. Obviously, this is a huge pillar that could easily fit a lot of graffiti. However, the impressive part is how it was done. As seen below, the graffiti in question was done vertically which begs the question of how it was made logistically possible. Perhaps some kind of rope ladder was used in the process? Regardless, it clearly looks like it was unsafe the do and equally pointless.

In case you didn’t get it, the graffiti spells out ‘Emrgny’, which is short for Emergency. Portland locals have commented on this, claiming “Impressive and stupid at the same time.” and “If we could focus that creativity and effort to something more constructive…”

At the same time, some did appreciate that the shading of the graffiti was impressive given the circumstances and height of the art work. Nonetheless, it goes without saying that this could also cost local tax payers thousands of dollars to restore. Regardless of your thoughts – this is a big job to clean up and due to its placement, wouldn’t be your average vandalism clean-up-job. With this in mind, you can see why locals were annoyed about this graffiti, seeing as the city funds are already tight as it is.

13 Replies to “Is this the most stupid & impressively placed graffiti in Portland?”

  1. Jane Garner says:

    I’d leave it there. Graffiti is an art form.

    1. The Lex says:

      Art is not a crime. The graffiti artist “gets up” for the sake of the art. Not for monetary gain. The graffiti artist puts everything on the line. His or her life, wellbeing, liberty, freedom, finances. All this is put on the line for the art, not for monetary gain. Graffiti art is the most prolific art movement of our life time. The graffiti movement that we know of today, has its genesis in New York, and has now spread across the world. Graffiti art is “Merica”. Lol. See women graffiti artist: olek, miss van, herakut.

      1. Dee says:

        Great. Why don’t you leave your address here and we can direct all the vandals there to ‘tag’ and make art.
        Their still vandalizing property that belong to them.
        I agree, some of it is quit amazing but it doesn’t give them the right to do it all over the place.

      2. Tony says:

        We know who to send the graffiti removal bill to

      3. Allen says:

        Art may not be a crime but vandalizing private property is.
        If you feel so strongly about this type of crappy art, then give us your address so that taggers can “beautify” your property

    2. Sean O'Connell says:

      Not all Graffiti is art.

    3. Victoria Hall says:


  2. Margi says:

    Leave it. It’s not terrible, and there are so many other things to be concerned with.

  3. Amber Griebel says:

    I agree. I am in awe of how they made the art happen at such great heights

  4. S.Miller says:

    Leave it there!

  5. RealEyez says:

    I think its Awesome!
    The amount of effort it took to get this spot, and the quality of the work, I say leave it. It isnt hurting anyone, and it isnt offensive.

    1. Allen says:

      This type of crappy art costs all of us taxpayers a lot of money to have removed, it devalues property and it’s ugly. I don’t care to have to read some tagger’s name either

  6. Ira says:

    It’s not stupid. Graffiti is part of hip hop culture. Portland is a very white city, but diversity is coming. Walk in NYC, Chicago. There are tons of graffiti on top of buildings. It’s art and production of space. Normalize it!