Is this the SADDEST Bus Station in Louisville?

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

A few months ago, the local Greyhound Bus Station in Louisville, KY announced that it would be moving location. Just yesterday, the new spot was photographed and prompted one Louisville local to declare it, “The saddest bus station in Louisville, and maybe America.” In fairness, if you look at the picture then you can see where they’re coming from, even if it is a little dramatic.

So, what made this picture so depressing? Firstly, the Greyhound logo is literally printed on a small banner which isn’t exactly an ambitious, proud portrayal of the company in all its glory. Instead, it’s more of a pathetic whimper.

Secondly, it also has spare pieces of wood and a bin present in the picture, then a man on the ground, who is either passed out (or just waiting for a bus while lying down). Lastly, the small cones are probably meant to mark out where the buses are meant to stop, which again shows the lack of budget or professionalism surrounding the operation. One local put it well when they declared, “It’s bad in this country, but Kentucky itself is on a whole other level.” and we’re not disagreeing!

Having said this, it’s not as bad as it first looks. Apparently, this is only a temporary location while the proper Greyhound station in the area is sorted out. When knowing this, the lack of finer touches actually makes perfect sense. Nonetheless, it still acts as a symbolic image that represents the current state of transport in the country.