Is this the TRASHIEST car in Iowa?

July 3, 2023 by No Comments

Recently spotted in Shelby County, Iowa – this car went viral for all the wrong reasons. Firstly, there’s nothing wrong with driving a Volkswagen. However, it was the bizarre addition that turned this car from classy to trashy and shows that not all car alterations improve them.

As seen in the image below, this car had a literal smoke stack attached to the side and the exit of the stack seemed to have smoke stains, which indicated that it wasn’t just for show either. Whether this was actually attached to the car (and functional) is unknown. But if it was, is this even legal? As ever with something as unusual as this, it raises more questions than it does answers.

Strangely, the car also had some kind of white substance on the back, which could also possibly come from the chimney, and it may even turn out to be smoke stains. On social media, this unsurprisingly caught a lot of attention, as one Iowa resident jokingly said: “Someone probably stole his expensive (platinum filled) catalytic converter. What I’m seeing is American genius at work! He found a solution that did not require taking out a second mortgage to fulfill an auto regulation on newer vehicles.”

Other reactions ranged from calling it ‘trashy‘, while others claimed that it had ‘made my day‘. Irrespective of your views on it, we can honestly say that this vehicle is one of a kind and certainly stands out, for better or for worse.
