Is this the TRASHIEST car sticker in Charlotte?

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, this Charlotte truck went viral in Charlotte for all of the wrong reasons. Pictured outside of a Chipotle restaurant, the truck had a huge vinyl sticker on the back, which showed President Biden bound and gagged – as if he was being kept hostage by the truck owner.

As if this wasn’t already distasteful enough, the truck also had an array of similar, trashy stickers on the bumper. These read, “Save a lab rat, use a Democrat”, “Support illegal aliens – pay your taxes”, and “Undocumented Democrats.” It’s fair to say that we know who this person votes for as this truck was everything but subtle.

To make matters worse, this truck was selfishly parked in the ‘Burrito loading zone’ which only adds to their image. Now, there’s nothing wrong with having a political party or disliking another one – however, when your truck indicates violence and is so open about it – you can see why it gets called trashy.

Speaking on social media, Charlotte locals said, “Haha, these people are such dorks. How does anyone have so little going on in their life that they devote this much brain space to hating a politician.” and “Ugh, I’ve seen that truck before. And I had to explain to my seven year old why he had that on his truck. So dumb and unnecessary.”

Typically, this isn’t the sort of imagery that you’d associate with a Charlotte Chipotle car park – but sometimes life can surprise you.