Is this the WORST driver in Miami? Locals think so

July 9, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw one of the worst drivers in the entirety of Miami, who literally drove over a median strip to get into another lane. The footage was captured on a dashcam, and it begins with the truck dangerously merging and cutting up the car that filmed it. You may think that this was the bulk of the video which was bad, but then toward the end – the same truck purposely crosses the median strip in scenes that you’d expect from Mad Max rather than a casual drive in Miami.

This took place on NW 36th St and the culprit clearly knew what they were up to with little shame or care for the consequences. Luckily, they didn’t hit anyone but it goes without saying that this kind of driving is as stupid as it is dangerous.

In a bizarre twist, this truck also had its lights constantly flashing which seemed pointless considering how reckless it was driving. It should also be pointed out that this did nothing to help the already bad reputation of truck drivers either.

Speaking on social media, one person wrote: “The classic maneuver here is not merging behind you but infront of you because the ego can’t allow to yield to anything smaller than him.” Elsewhere, others condemned their bad driving and called for the driver to get banned or fined. Unfortunately however, the car plates weren’t captured on the camera. As always, stay safe out there and remember to always assume the worst with other drivers who sometimes do crazy things.