Is this the worst parking in Tampa? Truck blasted for ‘selfish’ display

July 12, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday, a truck was publically reprimanded for its selfish parking which took place at the Publix parking lot at Hillsboro Plaza. What makes this worse is that this parking lot is infamously busy at the best of times, so it would be safe to assume that this ruined someone’s day.

And, without encouraging the cliche, the vehicle is a truck. Seriously, at this point the cliche seems to be justified for the most part which is a shame for those who actually drive correctly while using a truck.

It looks like there was no attempt whatsoever to park correctly, even though there was ample space and there’s no way even the slimmest of cars could park in either spot. Unsurprisingly, Tampa locals were furious and called it ‘inexcusable‘, especially given the context of the typically packed car park to begin with.

However, one person had a theory that involved the puddle, and wrote: “In a slight defense, I can understand that he didn’t want to get out of his car into a puddle.” In all honesty, this seems like a massive copout and it goes without saying that that isn’t an excuse to park so selfishly. Unfortunately, this sighting is all too common in Tampa so you can understand why locals are getting sick with seeing people who park like they own the roads.

One Reply to “Is this the worst parking in Tampa? Truck blasted for ‘selfish’ display”

  1. Maybe who ever driving the truck didn’t want to wet his feet but there’s the grass at the side off the truck really selfish.