Kevin Kiley claims California gas prices to rise by 8% – Simultaneously mocking local government

June 28, 2023 by 2 Comments

Yesterday, politician Kevin Kiley brought some bad news to the people of California. Here, he wrote on Twitter saying “In three days California is raising its gas tax again. Another 8 percent increase. I’m sure our roads will be pristine in no time.” This will represent yet another recent price rise in the state.

In the true sense of being a politician, he used this to simultaneously dig the CA government as it’s pretty clear that most of this price rise won’t be going on repairing roads and fixing potholes. Responding to his Tweet, a user named BiteBack wrote, “So CA is at war with the middle class and WHY would anyone stay there?” while another claimed it would hurt the lower-income residents more. Irrespective, of whether rich or poor, this will clearly have an impact on the pockets of the average Californian.

Speaking on an Orange County social media page, one person claimed, “The roads are in awful condition. Pavement is a money pit, and gas taxes and other funding sources will have a tough time keeping up with it all. But especially if the rates don’t scale to the need and reflect the costs.” And, whether you agree with this or not – it does seem that pavements are a money pit these days. In fact, this is a theme that goes far beyond California and is experienced in most US cities and states.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t look like slowing anytime soon. On a similar note, if a vehicle mileage tax is eventually passed then this could make driving even more difficult for the average Californian.

2 Replies to “Kevin Kiley claims California gas prices to rise by 8% – Simultaneously mocking local government”

  1. Jim Growdon says:

    Just bought a home in Idaho. I will no longer give any money to the liberL crooks in California.

  2. Nellie says:

    LAUGHING, my tags on my truck, gas, a classic, is more than when I bought it new. Newsom Gruesome putting a 300% charge on boats should give him a few more votes. Maybe Google’s can have their Pride Month celebration on a Democrats boat. Prayers for CA. Prayers for our enemies.