Knoxville City Council Candidate Calls Homeless “Animals” in Provocative Facebook Comments

July 8, 2023 by 5 Comments

A Knoxville City Council candidate has recently got into hot water due to provocative Facebook comments made in 2019 and 2020. In a number of long rants, Robert Bentley Marlow wrote comments such as “All you deranged liberal hippie, dippy, trippy folks need to pay attention. These hobos are always criminals, thieves and junkies.” In separate posts, he also compared them to ‘animals‘ and even advocated euthanasia against the homeless.

As seen with the screenshots below, his comments were less than complimentary while brandishing many stereotypes about Knoxville’s homeless population.

Understandably, many Knoxville locals are not happy with this. In fact, many local Christians also spoke out against his comments, with one saying, “Unfortunately it isn’t new, but it makes me no less angry as a Christian. You can give lip service and claim to be anything you want, but if actions do not align then it begs to question.” Elsewhere, another wrote, “Absolutely disgusting comments. I hope he has a conversion of heart and begins to live a life that imitates Christ.”

Although it’s a free country and Robert Bentley Marlow is allowed to write as he pleases on Facebook, he may also learn that words often have consequences, and especially if you try to enter public positions that impact local politics, then this may not be the best look. Based on this, it will be interesting to see how his political career gets on.

5 Replies to “Knoxville City Council Candidate Calls Homeless “Animals” in Provocative Facebook Comments”

  1. Dave Wilson says:

    I’ve worked every day since I was 15and right now I’m ONE paycheck away from being homeless myself. Does that make Me an animal? What a creep!

    1. Warren says:

      I totally agree with Robert.

  2. Michael says:

    I don’t know why y’all are surprised y’all voted for him and people like him..the last person y’all voted for was trump and he is much worse that this idiot.

    1. Bea says:

      The only reason I became homeless is because my husband passed away & I couldn’t afford the rent were we lived. I’m disabled & in process of getting my disability.
      This is the only reason I’m in this situation & shame on him for saying these things about homeless people.

  3. Teresa Reppond says:

    This guy needs to be replaced, who the hell is he anyway , if he can’t help with the problem then he is part of this problem, what an idiot!!!!