Knoxville Cradle of Country Music Park Art $500K Installation branded ‘Ugly’ by locals

July 3, 2023 by 1 Comment

A sign recently displayed new plans for an art installation in Cradle of Country Music Park, Knoxville. This proposal has actually been ongoing since 2018 but has faced numerous delays along the way, but finally in 2023, it seems to have been given the green light and even the sign claimed that it was ‘Coming soon!

Now, you may expect residents to be quite excited for a new art installation, but unfortunately it was quite the opposite – with the majority taking to social media to voice their displeasure. In fact, the general tone was that this installation looked ugly and out of place for the park. In fairness, it doesn’t really have anything relating to music – which is a strange choice considering it’s located in an area literally called ‘Cradle of Country Music‘ – and as we know too well around these parts, Knoxville people are very proud of their music.

Speaking on social media, one Knoxville resident claimed: “It looks like an alien spaceship, curated by alien city leadership.” while another added, “That’s really ugly. It’s going to get tagged immediately.” Not only this, but there were many more comments of a similar nature, and quite a few using curse words too.

To add further insult to injury, this is apparently going to replace the treble clef on the corner of Summit Hill and will cost a whopping $500,000 to create. And, you guessed it – this project will be entirely funded by the taxpayer.

One Reply to “Knoxville Cradle of Country Music Park Art $500K Installation branded ‘Ugly’ by locals”

  1. Bashful Scotty C. says:

    I like it. It looks super cool and different, change is good!