Landlord DEMANDS Over $190,000 From NYC Shake Shack

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

A photograph recently hit the internet that showed a fourteen day notice had been given to a Shake Shack in New York City. The notice was regarding an alleged payment owed to the landlord, that totaled over $194,974. The address of the Shake Shack in question was 122 Norfolk Street, which was unsurprisingly closed at the time.

The notice later claimed that failure to pay within fourteen days would result in the premises returning to the possession of the landlord. Now, what’s interesting about this is that the notice was given by the landlord and not by a court.

It goes without saying that a company of Shake Shack’s size could easily afford to pay the money – and remember, Shake Shack is not a franchise either. So, this one looks to be some kind of dispute and it may well end up going to court. Even then, we still don’t know the full story and based on the available information – either party could be innocent.

On a separate note, it looks as though this Shake Shack won’t be re-opening for business anytime soon. It’s also a staggering insight into how expensive it is to rent out commercial space in the area. Obviously, New York rents in any location will cost a lot – but remember, this area is often stereotyped as rife with criminal activity.

Lastly, keep your eyes peeled on this one – as it could end up rumbling all the way to the court house, and with over $194,000 on offer, it looks like there’s a lot on the line.