Lay’s truck CRASHES into Vermont Bridge

July 11, 2023 by No Comments

Just yesterday, footage showed a large Lay’s truck crash into a bridge in Barre City, Vermont. The video starts with the truck driving down a hill – which is met by one local who cries out “Oh my God, ahh!” in anticipation of the crash. Seconds later, the inevitable happens which sees the truck smash into the bottom of the bridge, creating a loud bang at the same time.

Perhaps the star of the show was the child in the blue coat, whose reaction said what everyone was thinking – as they responded with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Elsewhere, other locals simply watched as the crash unfolded.

At first glance, you may think this was down to bad driving – as the truck was visibly way too big to fit under the bridge. However, if you look closely then there’s actually a very simple explanation for what happened. Lately, Vermont has undergone some pretty extreme flooding and the weather here has been very rainy.

In other words, it’s not the driver’s fault – as the Lay’s truck was literally carried down the hill by the water that moved its tires. This also explains the crowd who were waiting in anticipation of the crash. This shows just how wild the weather has been lately and even for huge trucks, sometimes they too can fall foul to mother nature.