Little Rock State Senator named & shamed for driving in BOTH lanes

June 25, 2023 by 4 Comments

Yesterday, a photo of the Little Rock State Senator’s car went viral for the wrong reasons. Here, he was spotted driving in two lanes of Chenal while trying to navigate through busy traffic. This type of driving is often criticized for being selfish, as it locks out people from getting into the inside lane, while simultaneously blocking others from overtaking in the outside lane.

And, although the State Senator is undoubtedly an important person, this sort of driving behavior is rightly frowned upon and is seen as selfish. It seems as though the people of Little Rock thought the same as well.

For those wondering, this is definitely the State Senator’s car which has a visible custom number plate. In fairness, some did claim that he was no different from most Arkansas drivers who are equally as negligent. One resident commented, “Of course, if you are currently a State Senator and you look around at what is going on you quickly see that there are zero consequences for lawbreakers, grifters, treasonists, and predators among the elite so you basically don’t give a damn.”

Sadly, although this comment is a bit over the top – it still shows what people think of this sort of behavior on the roads and how politicians are viewed as looking at others with contempt. Obviously, this wasn’t exactly the crime of the century, but a Senator should still be trying to set a good example.

4 Replies to “Little Rock State Senator named & shamed for driving in BOTH lanes”

  1. Paul staton says:

    Why would you say the persons comment was a “bit over the top”? They are exactly right on a state and national level.

    1. Elizabeth Joslin says:

      The Elected Officials should be following the Laws and Conduct of Ethic Values that are Above normal Citizens. The Younger Generation need to have good Examples of Older Adults to want to follow as they are growing up. When and Why did Society accept the Lower Conduct and Behavior in Arkansas? Ones in Higher Authority need to live up to the expectations of the Office they hold. If not, they should Resign or be made to step down .

  2. Dana LaPlaunt says:

    The reason drivers do this is because there are so many “me first” people on the road that think they have to run up ahead in a backup merge point and that they are the reason it gets backed up….if people would use all lanes to merge point at the same speeds then take turns, like we were taught as kids, then traffic would move along. Therefore some try to block lanes to keep those me first drivers in line.

  3. The Big C says:

    It looks like there is room in the right hand lane. I don’t see any taking up of two lanes. Maybe Arkansas drivers are too big of cry babies just like their UA baseball team….big disappointment. And Arkansas politicians copy what Texas politicians do so is this senator “really an arkansas politician!?!?”….The Big C