Local ENRAGED after revelers invade chill spot at Gordon’s Pond

July 3, 2023 by 10 Comments

Due to the nice weather over the weekend, it was only natural that people would flock to Gordon’s Pond which is one of Delaware’s more scenic, natural locations. Here, a number of people went to sunbathe and generally chill out.

However, things took a confrontational turn when one family decided to set up camp right next to another person. This family was so close, that they literally sat under the person’s umbrella and took up a lot of their personal space. The irony was that the remaining space near the pond was pretty empty – which begs the question of why they did it.

The person who uploaded the pictures also said this: “This family just set up right on top of me, literally sitting under my umbrella, when there’s all this open space directly to the left. Do people not understand beach etiquette?!”

This prompted a response on social media, whereby others claimed to have a civil conversation. According to the victim, they actually spoke to the family when they first arrived, who still refused to move.

Seeing the funny side, one person commented “Next, they’ll want to borrow some of your sunscreen and beverages. What are your cocktail specials today?” In all seriousness though, this highlights the sheer unawareness and rudeness of some people. As always, the July 4th weekend always seems to bring out weirder people, so hopefully this was just a one-off.

10 Replies to “Local ENRAGED after revelers invade chill spot at Gordon’s Pond”

  1. Chuck clark says:

    I was approached on the beach by the husband asking me to turn down the volume of my speaker. He was sitting about 40 yards away. He said my wife is reading. I said no The crowd around me started to applaud…. Unbelievable

  2. Lori Warrington says:

    It’s the way they are they have NO respect for our natural parks, our beaches, stores roadways. They run into us and cause accidents trying to race to be the 1st one at the beach like its a contest between the outta staters. Locals have to wait for ever in traffic just to get somewhere. Nobody EVER let’s you in unless they got a green tag. There’s more roadway accidents and accident related deaths than ever before and what does our quack governor do make more lanes do everything they can to get as many people flocking g to our state because the more money is made the more Carney gets to line his pockets. He hasn’t been for his own state or hometown folks ever. It’s time we do something to take back our state

    1. New Local says:

      Locals have no birthright claim to the beach. The sooner we all realize that, the better we’ll all get along.

    2. Cheryl LeCates says:

      No offense to your entitlement but I’m a transplant who is married to a 6 generation Sussex native. He can confirm it’s not us transplants or tourist who cause the majority of the accidents here but the long time locals (I think it’s because they are getting frustrated with the traffic changes) For the beaches, unfortunately for you, God created his beauty for ALL to enjoy not just YOU? Reminder; LOCALS (native) are the ones who sold the land to the developers that are destroying the quiet areas. Think before talking? ‍♀️‍♀️

  3. Emma Thorpe says:

    Happens everywhere..especially if they have children..people think they can do whatever and wherever they want…even if you occupy the “space”.

  4. Belinda Drummond says:

    Omggggg who cares y’all complain about everything so whattttttttt

    1. Dee says:

      Thank you Belinda!!!!
      People are so quick to fight on here! It’s summer…. Be happy!

  5. Teresa says:

    That’s why I don’t go to the beach in the Summer. People are so rude and obnoxious!

  6. Ed says:

    Just take a couple of packs of crackers. Spread them around their their tent and let the seagulls chase them away.

  7. Lilly Kerchner says:

    HAHA! Ed, I like the way you think! The ‘Tourons’ come here and are very disruptive, that is quite true. Respect, I don’t think many have it, that may include some of our own. However, the Tourons are ridiculous in their rush to get to the Beach. The old ‘Reach the Beach’ phrase is alive and well, just look at route 50 and Route 404, Rt 13, and Rt 1 on Fridays, Sundays, Monday mornings. When I first moved here from Cecil County, a local took me around the area and gave me some sage advice. “Do not cross any roads, Friday through Monday during warm weather unless you are at a red-light. When your light turns green, you wait for the cross traffic to stop running their red light before you cross.” It is so sad and so totally true. Locals can’t get to the Beach. We can’t get anywhere for all of the outsiders and they act like they own this whole area.