Locals AMAZED by the price of these Oakley Townhomes

July 5, 2023 by 1 Comment

These Oakley Townhomes have been under the construction process for some time and now their prices have been revealed. As you may expect with the area – these prices are quite a lot more when compared to your average Cincinnati property and as a result, locals were shocked to hear just how much they cost. However, when you look at the prices for similar townhomes nearby, it’s not actually too surprising given the context.

The starting price for these townhomes is $896,000 – so we can only assume that some of them are even more expensive! According to the official site, these will be fitted with 2-3 bedrooms and the same amount of bathrooms, so we can only imagine that the price may even be closer to $1 million for many of the properties. Staggeringly, it also costs more to have elevator access, which you would expect to be a regular feature for all when taking into account the costs.

Unsurprisingly, locals weren’t too impressed with the price – and despite the location being important, one asked “Why are every last one of these new builds so incredibly ugly?” and in fairness, they have a point. Similarly, another Cincinnati resident claimed: “I’m usually pretty lenient when it comes to architectural designs but damn those are really ugly and that price point is insane.”

For those who are actually interested, you’ll have to wait. These won’t be completed until 2026 so even if you did want one, they’re currently unavailable. Despite the whopping price tag, we honestly wouldn’t be shocked to see these sold out before completion, which is often the case with new builds around here.

One Reply to “Locals AMAZED by the price of these Oakley Townhomes”

  1. ChrisFromCincinnati says:

    Starts at $900K for an ugly Condo… with three stories Up from your garage to your master bedroom? And…what’s the annual home taxes on that nearly million dollar house?
    Plus – you have noise from your neighbors at the shared walls? No Thank You.
    You can buy a heck of an actual house, with property and a pool in your own backyard for a lot less…