Locals BLAST early closing hours for Portland restaurants

June 15, 2023 by 3 Comments

In a recent social media discussion, Portland locals discussed why so many local restaurants had early closing hours. Naturally, this led to a large contingent who weren’t exactly happy with this culture, to say the least. So, first things first – why do so many Portland restaurants close early when compared to eateries in other cities?

As often in life, the main reason mostly boils down to cold economics. At some point, many restaurants realized that financially, it ate into their profits to be open after 9PM. So, some started closing around 8PM. Imagine owning a restaurant where its peak hours are between 6-9PM.

Financially, it just doesn’t make sense to continue operating and paying staff and utility bills after this period, if the number of diners doesn’t justify doing so. In this sense, this is why you won’t see a restaurant open at 3PM either – as it’s just an awkward time. Many locals also alluded that the post-covid economy had also made restaurants more financially wary compared to pre-2020.

Speaking on this, one person chimed in saying, “The reason is that a lot of people in this city are just plain lame” whilst another quipped, “I just got home from San Diego and was SHOCKED at how busy Gaslamp quarter was and how late everything was open until. Really highlighted how dead Portland is.” Lastly, one even went as far to say, “Portland has always been an early city. And a very lazy one.”

So, are these comments fair, or are they just plain nasty? Let us know what you think regarding the earlier closing hours of PDX restaurants.

3 Replies to “Locals BLAST early closing hours for Portland restaurants”

  1. Dee White says:

    Portland never has been a lazy or early city for that matter. What has happened is the shortage of people wanting to work in the industry, especially since the pandemic. Not to mention so many dining guests are rude and demanding. Imagine having to deal with that for 5-7 hours. There is a lot of wonderful dining guests, but get a bad one, it is unfortunate. Thank goodness I have never been a waiter. That is a tough job, and hats off to you all.
    Then we have the crime and homeless to deal with, the panhandling as well. Cars getting broken into while eating, seeing the trash around. Who would have thought restaurants would have to pay for some one to clean up trash and feces and wash urine off the sidewalks and parking lots. That all costs money.
    I want to thank the restaurants that are open even to 8 pm. You are appreciated.

  2. Isn’t it because it’s not safe in downtown Portland after dark? With all the homeless, druggies, and mentally ill roaming the streets, people are not going out to eat as much… certainly not in PDX. The current (and past) State and Local governments have allowed this chaos, vote them all out?

    1. milo says:

      Its not safe downtown BECAUSE people aren’t downtown, if it was busy every night with foot traffic everyone would be a lot safer