Locals discuss the WORST neighborhoods in Portland

May 23, 2023 by 16 Comments

Sometimes Portland can undeservedly get a bad wrap as far as its reputation is concerned. However, in some cases – parts of its reputation are deserved. As part of a recent discussion on social media, locals from Portland discussed the sketchiest neighborhoods in the city, with one user writing:

“See, what you fail to realize, is that there’s always been a gradient to it. 82nd to I-205? Definitely sketchier than the other parts of the city. A lot of hookers. I-205 to 122nd? You kinda start to get the feeling this ain’t right. 122nd to 162nd? Welcome to the jungle baby! After that it’s a toss up. There’s pockets like Rockwood, but Gresham is usually pretty good.”

Despite this comment coming across blunt and a little insensitive, the majority of users seemed to agree with it. This comes days after a man was reportedly attacked with a weapon on 122nd, which had people discussing how it was a bad place these days. In fact, just months ago, the city decided to invest $20 million to improve the safety of 122nd Ave which says it all.

Above, 122nd Ave – Portland.

Speaking on the issue, others chimed in, adding “To me, 122nd has always been sketchier than 82nd” and “Bro for real, 82nd is pretty tame comparatively”

So there we have it. The question is, what do you think the most dangerous neighborhoods in the Portland area are?

16 Replies to “Locals discuss the WORST neighborhoods in Portland”

  1. Lori Lynn Clure says:

    I think it’s time to rename Portland, “Lawless.”
    I believe ALL the neighborhoods are dangerous and the worst. They’ve ALL have experienced Shootings, Killings, Assaults, Larceny, Thefts, Burglary, Robbery, Homelessness, Drug Use and Drug Dealing with NO LAW and NO PLAN!! It’s about time for The People of the Community To Stand Up and Rally Together and Let the Powers To Be Know We Want Our City Back Now!! Obviously You Can’t Do It Or Won’t Do It! Perhaps It’s Time For A REVOLUTION!!

    1. Carron says:

      I think the worst street in Portland or.Is the street the mayor lives on…worst ever..

      1. St clsir says:

        The worst out of touch mayor ever in Portland.
        The entire administration is seriously lacking reality checks

      2. Dave says:

        “Despite this comment coming across ‘blunt and a little insensitive’, are you kidding? Id say it’s time Portlanders and that miserable City Council stop candy-coating what they’ve done, admit their horrific failures, and start addressing root causes. You cannot just defund police, legalize drugs, and let addicts run the city, then expect things to get better, right? Portland is now a miserable, dangerous, ugly, and embarrassing place. The city council and its voters needs to start solving the problem the council created and continues to promote. To call Portland weird is an understatement.

    2. David C Bouyer says:

      Yep not to mention other states give there homeless people money and a bus train of plane ticket to Oregon and say they will take care of you. We are a dumping ground for drug attics time to move out of Oregon.

    3. Hope Robinson says:

      Very well said! I could not agree more except for the last perhaps. To me a revolution means fighting, killing/death and destruction. It also means one has another way of being or ideas of how things can get done differently. If that is the case let’s hear them. I pay my taxes and do not see them being put to use. I recently learned that it is going to take three years for a builder to build affordable housing because of red tape and hoops. Why??? This infuriates me. Please, someone out there let us hear your plan.

    4. Victoria moss says:

      I totally agree that this the Portland is just become a joke and people need to actually start doing something to fix it.its not one person’s problems everybody’s problem so everybody needs to get together to fix it

  2. Vernon says:

    I’m one in a west side suburb that NEVER visits Portland anymore. When I travel, I’m ashamed to say, as I used to, “I’m from Portland”. It’s a shame, but it’s the reality for many.

  3. Lee says:

    2 generation Pdxer and I’m 62 my living father is 97. Hazelwood was a really amazing area, very Mayberry…. We rode our bikes from Gateway to Troutdale to Sylvia’s Restaurant 52 nd and Sandy Blvd. In Middle School we took the bus and had lunch downtown with friends as well as explored the nooks and crannies of our fine city back then. The sketchy area was all of North Portland at this time. The Drugs, Elicit activities etc. How I long for anything remotely like my childhood memories… Dad still lives in my childhood home since 1953 in Gateway near 102nd between Halsey and Glisan… Current memories of Gun Shots heard at night, drug dealers selling across the street etc. , tragic and heartbreaking.

  4. Eleazar Soto says:

    It is easy to sit back and point out all defects and problems within my City, Portland, Oregon. Yes indeed, in fact, it is pretty easy to point out flaws and detects our City is experiencing. What is happens to be hard, difficult and complicated is coming up with Solutions. Effective Problem solving solutions. It takes courage and determination. Without these two key elements we will continue to fall short.
    Courage, for example, is one of the driving forces behind the initiative we need. Simply because it takes initiative and determination to start finding ways to resolve each and every problem we are facing today. This my friends is key to a Spirited minded individual who chooses to be “Part of the solution rather than the problem.” I agree, “It is easier said then done.” However the sooner we address the problems, issues and challenges the sooner we will get to the roots. And having done so, we begin from the core of each and every complication, with resolution in mind, work our way up untill we find the answers without demeaning one another so that the outcomes can be peaceful and uniting.
    A good principal to live by is having the spirit of “Attitude with Gratitude.” And in harmony, care & consideration for others will set the pace for a better more pleasant future. Cordially, Eleazar

    1. C. Dana says:

      Very nice and well said! I just hope that it’s not too late and that everything you said and referenced is still attainable.

  5. Karen says:

    I love Lents. It is one of the most ethnically diverse areas around and neighbors are delightful. Yes, you see a lot of tagging and a lot of homeless because of the Corridor, their have been gunshots and a murder, but overall things are getting better. Most children have at least one parent at home and kids feel safe and have fun at Glenwood Park. It is up to each of us to help.

  6. Pam Mcleod says:

    I was just in Reno for a week, there are homeless, but no tents no garbage littering the streets. They are doing something right. All walkways were clean. Very impressed

  7. Jim says:

    Portland. The Chicago of the west coast that people are avoiding, especially after dark.

  8. Randy says:

    Hands down SE Powell between 122nd and 136th.

  9. Kathy varney says:

    Portland is getting so bad it’s not safe to raise children and grandchildren I live in se Portland off foster Rd there been shooting and homeless people everywhere and drugs and needles and so called Ted Wheeler tne mayor does nothing andi didn’t vote for him he is he so worth less it sad shame Portland Oregon us e to be nice place now Portland is garbage dump