Locals have HEATED debate whether this employer is wrong or right

July 7, 2023 by 1 Comment

Ohio locals recently got into a heated debate on social media surrounding this sign that was left out for staff members. Here, it arranged an after-hours meet-up that was mandatory to show up to. It also claimed that if staff didn’t show, then they would be formally disciplined.

According to the sign, the meeting would discuss issues such as accountability, cleanliness, team work and more. And quite honestly, just glancing over the themes – it looks like the staff are in for a bit of a telling-off. This was due on Sunday 23rd July at 6.30 PM, so it was hardly a convenient time either.

The person who uploaded the picture asked whether this was legal – and it turns out that it was, seeing as they were being paid to attend which makes it legal under Ohio law. Nonetheless, this flyer still caused a heated debate on social media.

Here, one person wrote, “I had meetings like this my entire working life. As long as you are paid for attendance then yeah, it’s mandatory and yeah, it’s legal. I had meetings like this on several minimum wage jobs too.”

However, another saw it differently and replied: “This is just to get all of you hollered at because management is too afraid to tell the people who are causing issues to hit the road.”

Whatever your opinion on this flyer, it seems to be a mixture of the two. Although it is a legality, it’s probably not a nice experience for a staff member to go through. Nonetheless, this is the reality of working life for most people.

One Reply to “Locals have HEATED debate whether this employer is wrong or right”

  1. Charles Smith says:

    There are way to many good paying jobs out there for people to have to put up with this kind of dictatorship employer. If you couldn’t make the meeting, so what, fire me. I’ll have 3 more jobs by the end of tomorrow that probably pays more.