Locals Shocked at HUGE Oklahoma City DMV Line

June 30, 2023 by 4 Comments

Yesterday morning, an Oklahoma City resident shared a picture of the DMV line. This was simply captioned with, “I’ve been here since 2am.” As seen in the image below, this had loads of people queuing and waiting to renew their driver’s licenses. Unfortunately, this is a familiar sight in Oklahoma City – and in fairness, DMV lines are notoriously long in various cities and states across the USA.

It seems that some things just never change, and the DMV has been the source of criticism for decades due to being understaffed while offering a very slow process that is filled along the way with bureaucracy. According to locals, the city did once have a phone number function at one point which made the process much smoother. However, this hasn’t been around for the last few years due to DMV cuts – which has made it more time-consuming.

Understandably, people weren’t best pleased with this – with one Oklahoman saying, “This is an embarrassment to Oklahoma. I just went to the DMV in Maryland and I was in/out in 5-10 mins. Had an appointment, no wait, etc. I went to the 240 location last week and was in the same boat, waiting in line since before 6am, a super long wait, and I was unable to make an appointment.”

Sadly, it seems like this is just one of those things that won’t be changing anytime soon. As a reminder however, it’s important to treat the examiners with respect. Remember, this isn’t their fault and usually it’s the powers from above who cause such issues.

4 Replies to “Locals Shocked at HUGE Oklahoma City DMV Line”

  1. Judy says:

    Could you possibly hire more people, or have people volunteer to help? So one does not have to be at the dmv at 2 A.M. in the morning.

  2. Jerry Hwarod says:

    It sucks, ridiculously long lines that move slow. But they are nice people.

  3. Pat says:

    Go to one outside of the city.

    1. Angelia says:

      Lawton is a good one, first come first serve. But, honestly….you have to wonder why with alllllllllllllllllllllll the funding for everything else under the sun, why none of that has made its way to makeiing this necessity a less harrowing process.