Lone Tourist goes sightseeing during Chicago Mega Storm

July 13, 2023 by No Comments

In life, sometimes you’ve got to follow your heart. This is exactly what this brazen lone tourist did yesterday when they went on a boat tour of the city, during one of the worst storms in Chicago’s recent history. As seen in the video below, this took place during a monsoon of rain, while thunderclaps could also be heard in the distance. Oh, and there was also the small issue of a tornado in the area as well.

However, this single tourist was not to be defeated and went on the boat tour regardless. While we’re on the subject of determination, you’ve also got to give credit to the tour guide who also braved the elements, and the professionalism of the captain too. In fact, unlike the tourist, the tour guide wasn’t even covered up and it looked like they were wearing a t-shirt!

This must be one of the most determined tourists ever, but if you’ve paid for the ticket, then you may as well use it to go sightseeing. Chicagoans took to social media to praise the determination of the lone individual and also complimented their outlook, with one writing: “Now that’s called “committed to sticking with the plan.” I admire the hell out of those peeps and kind of wish I’d been with them. If there’s a cash bar on there, all the better.”

Elsewhere, others claimed that it would make a great story to tell – and honestly, we can’t agree anymore.