Lovable Dog heartbreakingly up for adoption

June 3, 2023 by 3 Comments

Today we found this advert for a free dog. Named ‘Scooby’, this dog is roughly 1 year and 6 months old and is in need of a new home. Reading the advert, it sounds like he is the perfect dog, who is friendly with other animals, kids, and is fully trained and vaccinated. In fact, the person giving him away for adoption even offered free grooming to stay in his life. As seen below, he is a truly lovely-looking dog with plenty of life and charisma.

Located in the Tigard part of the city, Scooby is apparently a border collie mix and weighs roughly 40lbs, whilst also being described as an ‘active’ dog. It seems that the owner really loves their dog as well, and also wrote this “It breaks my heart to have to rehome him so I would love the opportunity to see him occasionally.”

In a strange twist however, it is not mentioned why Scooby is up for adoption. Having said this, it’s safe to assume that it’s to do with some kind of lifestyle change that is sadly the usual reason why dogs are rehomed. Regardless, if you’re a fan of dogs or know of anyone interested, check out the original ad. Hopefully Scooby can find a loving home that he most certainly deserves!

3 Replies to “Lovable Dog heartbreakingly up for adoption”

  1. Virginia says:

    I would love to have scooby Hé would be perfect in my life. Here in Orlando fla.

  2. I need him for emotional support. Here in Sharon hill pa.

  3. Brenda Kubiac says:

    I am very interested in providing Scooby a happy lovable home and don’t mind sharing with current owner. Scooby gets that much move love and attention.