Madison residents BERATE new bus system

June 25, 2023 by 5 Comments

Last week saw the Madison Metro buses change their schedule to accommodate newly designed routes. In theory, the point of this was to create a more efficient public transport system around Madison – however, locals aren’t happy with the changes.

Speaking on social media, one resident in the city had this to say, “Okay, I officially hate the new bus system. With all the delays and the confusion around Google Maps, it took me over an hour to get to work today, when it used to be a 25-minute ride. Thankfully I’m moving soon to a spot that has better coverage but wow, this is ridiculous.”

In fairness, if you’re used to riding for literally under half of the new time, then we can see how this would get annoying really fast. This would mean adding more than one hour to your daily commute which isn’t a fun thought.

An advert for the newly implemented bus route redesign. Not everyone is happy with this.

Elsewhere, another local had a similar experience and claimed, “Yeah the thing that’s killing me is how inaccurate the route information is on Transit and/or Google Maps. It used to be pretty reliable and now it’s a crapshoot whether there’ll be a bus when and where transit said.”

Others claimed that an added 30 minutes of travel was now the norm, and had considered using Uber as an alternative. Sadly, not everyone can afford private transport and this isn’t an option for everybody.

If you’re concerned about the new route layout then check the official website. Hopefully, this is just a case of teething problems and it gets sorted quickly.

5 Replies to “Madison residents BERATE new bus system”

  1. Oser says:

    We used to get to and from work with not much trouble. Now we can get there in 7 minutes after walking over a half mile up hill to get the bus. Coming home forget it. I have to get a rude. Bus only comes once an hour. This is supposed to be better!

  2. S scott says:

    What they should’ve done was left the roots the way they were, and added some more bus routes to the city! The cities transportation system for the public is really sad

  3. richard hare says:

    It’s harder now than it was before the west side of D goes two different directions that are way far away from each other so I have to dubble make sure I get to it in time to get to work

  4. Jill dunn says:

    I have to take three busses I hate taking the bus. I have been riding for thirty years. Go back the old bus schedule.

  5. Corina Brandeen says:

    I do not like sitting at the South Transfer in the mornings for up to 13 minutes before I catch my next bus to work. I believe it’s on safe at times to be there all alone. Then I never know what time my bus will return on Cahill Main in Fitchburg to go back to the south transfer and then wait more time for my bus ride home.
    I think the city should have left the routes but added more straight rides. I do like getting on my morning bus from the transfer and go straight to Fitchburg Pick n Save. Of course that’s after I have to wait upto 13 minutes for my next bus.