Man demands refund on religious grounds after seeing Buddha statue in Chinese Restaurant

June 21, 2023 by 3 Comments

Yesterday in a Chinese Albuquerque restaurant, a man went viral for all the wrong reasons. In fact, his behavior was described as disgraceful and shocking by disgusted locals. So, what warranted such a strong reaction?

In the four minute video clip, the man ordered food but quickly decided he wanted a refund after noticing a small Buddha statue. This was based on the grounds of his religion, as he claimed he no longer wanted the food due to being a Christian.

Thankfully, multiple people in the restaurant saw through his sketchy behavior and called him out on it. One of the main heroes of the clip was a fellow Christian, who claimed his excuse was nonsense and got into an argument with him. However, it was a woman sitting down who ended his religious rant, claiming “Shut up sir, I have kids here just shut up” which made him quieten down. What’s worse is that this happened in front of his young child who was stood behind him for the entire confrontation.

Speaking on social media, locals wrote, “Being “Christian” should mean NOT BEING A BIGOT. Treat thy neighbor as you would be treated is a core tenant of the bible!” and “Thank god for the lady at the end telling that dude to just shut up. The true hero.”

After this incident, the eatery (Rose Garden Restaurant) received a lot of praise and support from the local Albuquerque community who universally stood against his divisive actions. Interestingly, the video ends before we ever got to know whether he did get his food or not.

3 Replies to “Man demands refund on religious grounds after seeing Buddha statue in Chinese Restaurant”

  1. Jose Herrera says:

    That is no surprising behavior for Albuquerque everybody’s crazy here one way or another

  2. Darian DeBolt says:

    Christians should be tolerant of other religions. The gospel message is love thy neighbor.

  3. Tanya Parks says:

    That’s just asinine. It’s been my experience that every Asian restaurant has had a Buddha in their place is business. That’s their right to do so. If he has any sense, which I’m questioning, he would have been aware of that bit of info. Embarrassing behavior especially with his young son. I’m doubtful that he’s a true Christian. That’s not what we do, nor do we behave in such a manner. This world is in need of true humanity like it use to be… all the disrespect and hatred towards one another is showing our future generation that it is acceptable behavior and it’s not. I will end my rant here…