Man hits moving car with rock – ‘This could have caused CARNAGE’

June 23, 2023 by No Comments

Today at 12.10AM, a terrible act of mayhem occurred on 22 Westbound near Magnolia in Orange County. Here, a moving car was hit by a man that threw a rock off the wind shield. This happened as the car drove past the rogue man’s car which was pulled over.

Although the car window was visibly cracked, luckily no one was hurt. Under different circumstances, this could have easily penetrated the glass and hit the driver. Without being dramatic, this could have proved fatal on another day. Thankfully, the only problem for the driver was the repair cost for the wind shield. However, hopefully they’re able to get this money back on insurance, as the incident was caught on their dashcam.

One internet sleuth claimed the culprit’s car looked a lot like a silver 2006 Toyota Camry. However, due to the time of day, actually making out the car proves difficult, and identifying his plate is literally impossible from the footage provided.

It’s not sure if the culprit purposely pulled over to throw the rock, or whether their car broke down and they did it out of randomness. Either way, this behavior is unacceptable and with any luck, the man will be charged for his crimes. Having said this, it doesn’t look like he will be found due to the lack of evidence.

Although a rare incident, this is further proof that bad people are out there who will attack random strangers for no reason. Overall, this shows us a valuable lesson to always be vigilant and never take life for granted.