Man seen dangerously riding car windscreen in busy traffic on Bronx Highway

June 18, 2023 by No Comments

Sometimes, the Bronx gets an unfairly bad reputation for certain behavior. However, today – that reputation was truly befitting as a man was filmed riding the front of a car on a highway in the borough. What’s even crazier, is that the driver seemed to be casually driving along as if it was normal, whilst simultaneously going at least 40 MPH. The person filming the video was bewildered and amazed, and literally said, “Just another day in the Bronx. What is going on bro? We are on the highway. They are crazy, haha”

See the video below (warning, the narrator uses curse words)

It goes without saying that this was incredibly stupid and could have easily resulted in death. If the car had to come to a quick stop, then the man could have been sent flying to his death. Similarly, had the man lost grip of the car, then he could have easily died or caused a collision with other vehicles.

For better or worse, the video ended with the man in question climbing to the top of the car. Perhaps this was to get a more stable grip, but at least it allowed the driver to have more of a clear view. Comments on the video included, “Have you seen cab fares lately?!” and “Only one guy I know in NY whose not a wacko, he was not born there.”

All jokes aside, this is incredibly dangerous and stupid. Thankfully, it looks as though no one got hurt but highlights how little some people put a value on their own life.