MASSIVE Car Crash on Highway 200, Hawaii

June 29, 2023 by 3 Comments

Over the years, Highway 200 has earned a very dangerous reputation – and was once dubbed ‘the most dangerous road in Hawaii’. This status was given for good reason too, as a video that was taken today showed just how perilous driving on this stretch of road can be. Here, a black SUV collided with a van – resulting in both of them being written off.

Honestly, this could have easily been fatal under different circumstances. Miraculously though, it turned out that everyone involved in the crash was ok. According to the person that took the video, the conditions were incredibly foggy in the build up to the crash which helps explain what happened.

Speaking on the crash, the videographer named Kayla Rae wrote, “We were the first ones there and we witnessed it happen. A black SUV passed us on the double lanes heading to Kona. The road was wet due to the rain and the black SUV hydroplaned into the oncoming van heading into Hilo. Everyone was ok. There were 5 passengers in the SUV. There was 1 passenger in the van and he had flares to help assist because of the thick fog. Mahalo to the tow truck driver that helped slow down traffic as well as the other samaritans that stopped to help.”

Other locals gave their own opinions, claiming that it was a dangerous route which it is infamous for. One person even claimed, “That road is very deceiving and enticing. It looks like a normal highway road so people think they can drive fast on it.”

On a positive note, we’re just glad that no one suffered anything serious. Having said this, it’s fair to say that both cars are completely written off which shows how much worse it could have been.

3 Replies to “MASSIVE Car Crash on Highway 200, Hawaii”

  1. Brian Ansorge says:

    Road is only “dangerous” for idiots driving “too fast for conditions.”

    The gene pool and Darwin vs The Idiots?

    In this case, a draw.

    1. D.Christian says:

      No lifeguard in the gene pool…

  2. Lena Carver says:

    Maybe street lights to brighten the road so you can see better would help. No, I forgot, we can’t because the Mauna Kea telescopes won’t be able to look at the stars…..So, we continue to get accidents with bad visibility whether fog or not……