Mayor Wheeler HITS BACK at Portland Utility Board who claimed opposing rate increases was ‘white supremacy’

May 26, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday saw Mayor Ted Wheeler get in a heated clash with the Portland Utility Board which centered around claims of racism. The debate began on the topic of affordable housing in Portland, and what to do about rising living costs such as rent and house prices. Here, Mayor Wheeler opposed the rise in prices, which was bizarrely labeled as an act of white supremacy by the board.

It seemed as though Mayor Wheeler was sick and tired of racial comments and had a few questions of his own to ask. He began by saying “I’m just done with being called racist every time we say something you don’t like. Done.”

Further into the debate, he wondered how his views coincided with white supremacy and asked, “(how is opposing a yearly 8% utility rate increase) an act of white supremacy?” to which a board member replied, “I don’t feel comfortable.” Handled with real class, Wheeler quipped back by saying “And yet you feel comfortable suggesting that the alternative is an act of white supremacy.

Overall, the Portland Twittersphere was in support of Wheeler’s claims, with one saying ‘music to my ears’ whilst another user wrote, ‘I think we’re finally starting to turn the corner folks! love it’. It goes without saying that whether you love or hate Mayor Wheeler, he was spot on with this take.