MEGA Storm lights up Lexington skies as locals brand it ‘Scary’

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

Last night, Lexington was treated to one of the biggest storms it had seen in years. This was almost biblical proportions that included huge hail stones, nonstop rain, and huge lightning bolts. The lightning was so severe, that it prompted a debate as to whether it was the worst lightning ever seen in the city.

Thankfully, this act of nature was captured on camera – and without exaggerating, the lightning bolts truly were epic. Not only were they plentiful, but they also seemed to be bigger and thicker than usual. According to local boffins, this may have been due to the high humidity levels throughout the day. Watch the video below to see just what we mean.

Although the storm was entertaining, not everyone saw it that way. Of course, not everyone likes storms due to the possible dangers that they pose, and a few people branded it as ‘scary’. One local even theorized that it was the biggest storm they’d ever witnessed in Lexington, despite living there since childhood. On social media, they said “I’ve lived in Lexington my entire life and I don’t feel like the storm is that unusual for a summer thunderstorm. They were more common when I was a kid than they have been in the past few years, but still doesn’t seem like anything crazy.”

As ever with storms, once the worst has past, it usually gets better from then onwards. In other words, it’s doubtful that something of that magnitude will be returning to Lexington in the near future. Depending on your perspective, this could either be a good or a bad thing.