Military convoy invades Walnut Street in Philadelphia – However, there is a simple explanation

June 18, 2023 by 8 Comments

Yesterday saw a convoy of military trucks drive through Walnut Street in central Philadelphia. Locals paused their daily routines and looked in awe, whilst some also got their phones out to record the strange goings on. In fairness, it’s not every day that you get to see armored vehicles go through a major city with soldiers present.

Having said this, there is actually a simple explanation. Some Philly locals know this quite well, but some are still ignorant as to why this happens. In short, the armory is located on 23rd Street off Chestnut and occasionally, army reserves do their training there. So, if you’re around the area enough then you may have seen similar sightings over the years.

In other words, this was nothing to do with a visit from Joe Biden, nor was it some kind of emergency exercise that some people wrongly speculated on. Overall, you could say that this is a quirk of living in Philadelphia. Usually, army training venues are situated in places far away from a major city. Nonetheless, one of the main places in Philly happens to be in the middle of the city. Why this is the case is anyone’s guess. However, it makes sense for soldiers to do urban training routes as these days, a lot of military conflicts happens in similar surroundings.

In summary, this is a pretty cool feature of Philadelphia and if you’re ever in Walnut Street, keep your eyes out – as it may just make you smile.

8 Replies to “Military convoy invades Walnut Street in Philadelphia – However, there is a simple explanation”

  1. Thunder Jenkins says:

    I always knew about the armory being there .we had plenty of armory’s in the city. A lot of them closed.

  2. Jeannette Tarlo Fatiga says:

    Thank you for your service. Wish I would have seen it.

  3. Carol Cossa says:

    Philly is one of 15 cities that had similar movements…so I’m not buying the “Moving around the armory” thing. Similar movements were also seen in some Canadian cities…so what is REALLY going on?

  4. Roy says:

    I would have loved seeing it,I’ve seen similar convoys of military men an women driving the equipment when I was younger God speed a d thank you for protecting the very country we all love so much your service is very appreciated.

  5. Shawn Smith says:

    As a veteran, I have had the experience of being many military convoys from southern California to the FarEast. We used to have an Army armory here in West Chester when my cousin served in the 70s & 80s. I see convoys on the PA turnpike every week. This is nothing new just strange to those who don’t see them too much. Thank you for service guys and gals.

  6. Venard says:

    I was in quarter master core when serving in United States Army.
    We often train delivery supplies, materials,weapons from one fort to another. Solders are always on alert; even while training. Many of us were drafted to serve. Myself being umong them.Even though I was drafted it was an honor to serve. America may reinstate the draft. It would provide a structured form of discipline for those people running around shooting and killing innocent people.Its better then hanging out on street hurting babies. You’ll learn a trade and skill. Maybe have a career.Could become a medic,truck driver, civil engineer, MP
    . Have to be able to read and write. Join The National Guard; better then prison.

    1. Patricia Sipes says:

      If they bring the draft back then what is everyone’s opinion of the government making the immigrants sign up or if they don’t then send them back to their own country why should our children fight and maybe die for them if they refuse to fight for us??????

      1. Garfix says:

        It’s most likely that any benefit we would derive from “drafting” the illegals crossing the border recently en masse would be negated by the lack of quality in the troops, the cost to train and arm them, background checks, and physical training.