Milwaukee Checkers get upgraded cars – And the locals AREN’T happy

June 27, 2023 by 1 Comment

A Facebook group named ‘This is that Milwaukee’ recently posted an image of the new, upgraded Checkers cars which was captioned, “Parking Checkers rolling around in new Mustang SUVs but they don’t have money to fix potholes.” This was accompanied by an image of a new Checkers electric vehicle apprehending someone.

Understandably, people aren’t too happy with this – considering that Milwaukee is known for having quite a big pothole problem. There have even been cases where people have had them filled, only to be re-filled again days later.

Speaking on Facebook, one Milwaukeean said “Glad I know where my parking ticket money is going” while another added, “Cops are a drain on actual community support.” Having said this, not everyone was in unison. In fact, quite a few claimed that potholes in their neighborhoods had been filled within days of being requested. Overall though, it does seem as though pothole filling is a bit of a zip code lottery within the city.

In general, this Facebook post highlighted a divide between those who believed public services needed constant investment and those who viewed it more cynically, based on taking money from the public and spending it frivolously.

One thing is for sure though, those are probably some of the nicest Checker cars in the country – while Milwaukee simultaneously does suffer from a pothole problem. Nonetheless, maybe people are reading too much into it, considering that the two are actually under different departments with different sources of funding.

One Reply to “Milwaukee Checkers get upgraded cars – And the locals AREN’T happy”

  1. Brandi Porter says:

    Considering we are paying NOT 1 but 2 Wheel taxes to register our vehicles…. There should be funding to fix the streets that these wheels rolls on!!!! Highway robbery!!