Milwaukee locals SLAM Summerfest drinks prices

June 25, 2023 by 18 Comments

Sometimes, people like to moan about food and drink prices and can be overly critical. Sadly, the criticisms aimed towards the Milwaukee Summerfest drink prices have been completely justified. Understandably, you’d expect food and drink prices to be above average at a big event, but in this case – it’s a case of going too far.

For example, the below image displays prices, which include a vodka redbull for the princely sum of $19.50. Similarly, a Jack Daniels costs $18 and even a bottle of water is $5.25. No wonder then, sometimes people try to sneak their own drinks passed security, and honestly – we can’t blame them with these prices on offer.

To combat this, Summerfest has a strict anti-bottle policy, as even empty bottles aren’t allowed to be carried in from the outside.

Unsurprisingly then, not everyone agreed with the prices – with one resident claiming, “And, one of a few reasons I don’t go to the Festivals anymore.” Having said this, despite the outrage, not everyone was that bothered – with one local saying, “Yep, Summerfest is expensive! People have been saying this for the last twenty years lmao. That’s life for ya!”

In fairness, where else are you going to see the likes of NLE Choppa and James Taylor on the same weekend? All jokes aside, this does seem extortionate. Of course, Summerfest is well in their rights to charge what they want, but at some point, people will start voting with their feet – and rightly so.

18 Replies to “Milwaukee locals SLAM Summerfest drinks prices”

  1. MC Kennedy says:

    Festgoers should know that Summerfest takes one third of the gross costs (not just the profit) of everything that food vendors sell! They need to use their two-thirds to cover food, supplies, employees wages and benefits before earning a profit.

  2. Mike says:

    Plus $26 just to get in so you have the opportunity to spend these exorbitant prices

  3. Illigitimatebiden says:

    That’s OK! Charge any price you want, I won’t be going! Hope others follow suit! Ridiculous!!

    1. monica says:

      same here!!

    2. Teresa Gunderman says:


  4. Christine Castellano says:

    Im going to Politely Pass This Year and Just Hit State Fair. I Enjoyed Summerfest in the Late 70’s and Most of the 80’s…It Just isnt the Same Anymore with Most of My Friends and Family I used to Go With all Passed Away now…Just Kinda Sad.

    1. Mary says:

      That’s very sad, especially for families with younger children. It should be an enjoyable event, but instead turned into an unaffordable event. Parking+tickets+food+drinks=can’t afford this event.

  5. Pamela Newsom says:

    Absolutely ridiculous…. what can a family of 3/4 do on a weekend in Milwaukee thats affordable? Nothing!! It truly sad!! Can’t even catch a Brewers game or even a movie now a days its all financially out of reach for the average family.

    1. MONICA says:

      absolutely agree! And we have to safely get there in these streets that look and feel like we are in Iraq…..not to mention the crime ! And crime is because people cant afford…its a huge circle. It Is consumer fraud in my opinion. And we really need to do something about it already.

  6. Leroy cox says:

    I won’t be going to summer fest anymore as well it’s not the same anymore I can see local bands for free in other places like jazz in the park and not be required to take 100 dollars with me just to get in get something to drink and eat everyone can’t afford that these days

  7. Pam J says:

    I’ve never missed a Summerfest, since the year it started. ( except for Covid )
    It will never be the same again.
    Prices are too high, and the fact that you can’t even take in an empty water bottle is ridiculous!
    And the fact, that they never went back to the 10 days in a row schedule, took away a lot of revenue from out of towners , who would schedule a week to come in for this.
    You’re pushing a lot of people away

    1. Nicole says:

      I agree Pam. I do take advantage of the promotions for free entry but even still…the back my 7 kills me. Nonetheless the Fest is overall too expensive now and I may have to bow out gracefully.

    2. Kelly says:

      I agree with you. I went to Summerfest this year.I was not impressed It’s not the same. They are losing revenue. They should Change it back to the ten day straight

      1. Cher says:

        I totally agree I have days off during the week not everyone has weekends off.

  8. MattyG says:

    I still can’t help but think a lot of this is that they only have 4 days a week to make their money now days. Summerfest has always been expensive. The sad thing to me is that older people and younger people have no time to go to this festival anymore as this was what the weekdays were for. Those have been eliminated, and let’s be honest. The older folk don’t want to deal with these crowds and Summerfest is not a place for children at night.

    1. Leisa says:

      Ridiculous prices!!!

  9. Julie says:

    And water being $5.25 was so wrong. Especially when it is a hot day and a health issue. You can’t bring it in to the fest. A day like Saturday at least3 bottles a person if your staying for the afternoon/ evening.

  10. Janet says:

    I have been going to Summerfest for the last 43 years but will no longer be attending this ridiculously managed festival. Weekends were ok during Covid, but that was a farce in itself. Being back the 11 straight days… it’s way too crowded with only the weekends being available. And no longer is it even safe to bring your kids to. What a shame!