Mississippi building vandalized – “Tate Reeves Stole Our Money”

July 6, 2023 by 3 Comments

This week saw some very telling graffiti appear on the side of the Hattiesburg building in downtown Mississippi. This read: “Tate Reeves stole our money” This message was probably referring to the governor’s MS welfare scandal, where the money has still not been returned to the relevant parties.

With this said, it’s not surprising that people have voiced their concerns and criticized him openly. Here, it is alleged that Reeves used state welfare cash incorrectly and it didn’t go to those most in need of welfare at the time. Instead, it is alleged that his personal trainer was paid some of this money for a ‘physical fitness‘ program.

What’s more interesting is that this was spray painted onto the side of the Pine Belt News building – so you could argue that the message was targeted to gain maximum attention. However, since the graffiti appeared, Reeves has not acknowledged it, and further still, certainly news outlets in Mississippi haven’t covered it either.

While political graffiti isn’t anything new, it doesn’t bode well for Reeves and shows that people aren’t happy. In short, this is an indication of how poorly the entire scandal was handled and even if he was innocent, his reputation has suffered as a result. At the same time and more importantly – hopefully this goes some way to getting the needy their welfare checks in Mississippi who are the true victims here.

3 Replies to “Mississippi building vandalized – “Tate Reeves Stole Our Money””

  1. Willie Smith says:

    Trust funds account

  2. Billie Ray Jackson says:

    Not only the welfare money but our governor took it upon himself to take money out of the mouth of those who couldn’t find a job by closing down that unemployment benefits. It was like he was saying okay slaves break is over back into the fields . Poor working people was hit hardest yet he didn’t care because Mississippi needed a work force of poor people no insurance nothing during Covid-19’s and this is because he will not extend Medicare for all

  3. Buffie Jordan says:

    Wonder what Tater Tot did with the stolen welfare money? Im sure he has probably funneled it into his own election campaign. It certainly wasn’t used to help anyone but himself. No Mississippi Medicaid Expansion & ZERO rights for women. He makes it quite clear that he wants all of us that are not like him to be put down. Use your right to vote him out in the upcoming election! Please!