MORE evidence of a Portland Serial Killer – As female body count rises

June 4, 2023 by 18 Comments

Just last week, we broke the story about a theory surrounding a Portland-based serial killer. This was because three women’s dead bodies had been founded in secluded areas around the city. These were found in wooded areas, barns, and generally quiet locations. Now it seems, there are even more findings to suggest that this isn’t just a theory – and is something that should be taken more seriously by locals.

So, what do we know now? In our previous article, we began the investigation starting from April 8th. However, it turns out that there have actually been more cases of a similar nature that date back further than April. For instance, back in February, a local woman named Kristin Smith went missing. Now in May, it turns out that her remains have been found in Pleasant Valley.

Similarly, in late April, a native Indian woman was also found dead, with scars on her lower left leg. This means that since our last update (just a matter of days ago), there have now been a further two more deaths of similar circumstances that we know of.

So, without trying to whip up some kind of hysteria, we urge our readers to stay vigilant and be on the look out for any suspicious behavior. It goes without saying that if you’re a woman traveling solo in a sketchy area, you should stay armed and be alert.

Also, if you have any potential information that could be useful in solving these cases, then do not hesitate to contact your local police force. As ever, stay safe and stay careful. At the same time, we shall keep you updated with any future developments if more information unfolds.

18 Replies to “MORE evidence of a Portland Serial Killer – As female body count rises”

  1. Susan says:

    Better yet. Do not travel alone in isolated areas! One might also consider the buddy system and not putting oneself in precarious positions.

  2. Elizabeth Underwood says:

    Nowadays people are just jumping into women’s cars while they come to a stop. Be sure to lock your doors as soon as you get in your car and keep them locked until you exit your car. Try to avoid parking garages if you’re alone. Good Samaritans are at risk especially.

    1. Jenette says:

      I live in Vancouver but a couple weeks ago a man came opened my passenger door to ask for a cigarette. Thank goodness he didn’t see my German Shaphard in the back seat. She scared him off but I was still so scared. I always drive with my doors locked now, for some reason they quit locking on their own and i didnt realize it, so ladies make sure your locks are working properly. Stay safe everybody!

    2. Mike Burnell says:

      Now a days that was happening long ago my mom had it happen to her in the 80’s

    3. Mary Heitmann says:

      I don’t believe all serial killers have a specific way of killing people. I believe this killer is using what ever is at his or her disposal. And it’s possible this killer is a traveler which would explain why this person hasn’t been caught.

  3. Dorothy says:

    I was told never get in their vehicle or else you’re never coming back; use drive-through banking.

  4. Dorothy says:

    Tell them no 4 times then they know you mean it.

  5. Jp valdez says:

    Wear a safety whistle they get attention

    1. Monica Hutchings says:

      A whistle is not enough, especially if you’re not around people. That’s what the 2nd amendment is all about.

  6. Donna Sisk says:

    We all need to stay safe. And as always keep a sharp eye out. And Pray!

  7. Marcy Anhaltzer says:

    There are rumors about who is responsible for these deaths. I hope the police investigators are listening to the houseless population. They have shared information about a particular individual whom they think may be committing these murders.

    1. These are very disturbing problems in this city of Portland ,that already has enough going on,all I want to say is what’s next!!!?

  8. Elaine says:

    I work over at the BHRC downtown and one of the staff member thinks he knows who it is.

    1. Melissa smith says:

      I of the deceased girls mother. I’d appreciate it if you would talk to me about this information you know. I am on Facebook there is a page for my daughter #justice for kristin Smith find me there please

  9. Julie Folmar says:

    Best advice ever. Do not travel alone in the Portland metro area. Since the snowflakes demanded defending the police, many officers have transfered out of the area or have retired early. I work downtown and I am always self protected. Hopefully I will never have to protect myself again since there is not enough law enforcement to protect us anymore.

    1. Judy Shipman says:

      Another thing to keep in mind is when you put your car in park, the doors automatically unlock. Being aware of your surroundings could be a lifesaver. Stay safe..

  10. R.J. Barrett says:

    I have gone homeless for the second time in my life, but I don’t plan to keep it that way. Responding to Marcy Anhaltzer’s comment I would like to say that the police rarely take us seriously because of their predisposed beliefs that we’re all just a bunch ofdrug addicted, lazy, nobodies. People think we commit heinous crimes but you might be surprised to know that the majority of violent crimes are actually committed against us by well to do or even wealthy people(mostly 18-30yo). Of course nobody cares so nothing is ever done, but we see the violent ones. It’s not us you should shy away from when you walk down the street, we’re likely to be the one’s to save your life from a serial killer because they don’t want witnesses. If you’re ever being stalked try to get to a homeless encampment, you’ll be safe.

  11. Portland original says:

    Kristin smith went missing in early December and was found in February. They released that her body was found finally in may. Ashley real went missing late march and was found in April but they didn’t release that her body had been found or identified until may either… both had the same friend groups… Kristin and her boyfriend actually stole Ashley’s car at one point when they were all still alive. My daughter knew both girls. The girl found in ridgefield I was told either already did or was going to testify against someone. The state failed to protect her from retaliation for that testimony she gave or was going to give… all three could be linked to the same contacts who potentially could be responsible For their deaths.