Mysterious Bunker Found in Albuquerque Hills – But what is it?

June 18, 2023 by 7 Comments

Found in the Petroglyphs area of the city, this hidden bunker was recently photographed and went viral on social media. Understandably, Albuquerque locals wondered about the origins of this bunker and what was behind the large metal door.

To add further mystery to the door – the puzzle still hasn’t been solved and it looks like it won’t for the foreseeable future. Both anecdotally, no one could provide any answers, whilst doing research online also came up short.

However, you could argue that this only adds to the fascination around the site – and locals were quick to give their theories on what could be behind the door. From the sensible to the extraordinary, theories ranged from a sealed mine shaft, an old bomb shelter, a secret government laboratory, and even the hiding place of El Cucuy or Walter White!

Above, shows the door up-close. Due to the markings surrounding the door and entrance, it looks to be quite old as the paint seems to have decayed a little over time.

Others were quick to point out that despite its curious nature, it probably wasn’t anything too exciting based on the location. Although it’s still relatively unknown, if it was a secret hideout, it probably would be located somewhere more secluded than the Petroglyphs national park. Still, it makes for a pretty cool theory that something unusual is kept behind the door.

For those who want to find it and do their own research – you can check out this link which shows the exact location of the hidden door on Google Maps. On a final note, if you have any information on this secret door then please don’t hesitate to let us know.

7 Replies to “Mysterious Bunker Found in Albuquerque Hills – But what is it?”

  1. Diane Souder says:

    It was a water line run by CodaRobertson to get water to Santa Fe Village. It is no secret. When dug through the sand some petroglyphs were moved. This caused concern. Petroglyph supporters, Ooen Space advocates and tv crews gathered . Attention to the resources. In 1990 Petroglyph NM was established.

    1. Dennis Newton says:

      Thank you Diane. I had also heard it was a water line project. Do you know where we can find more information on what happened?

  2. Sherry Pryor says:

    Sure! Tell everyone exactly where it is so all the idiots can go up there and destroy it

    1. KATHY L GAHAN says:


    2. Beaster2350 says:

      I know it’s pretty stupid considering it might be a bunker used by the U.S army stationed here in ABQ.

  3. Larry T says:

    During WWII that area was used as a practice bombing range. The bunker was created to protect observers during bombing runs. They would then go out and mark and score the accuracy of the run. They would go back to the bunker and another run would be made and the process would be repeated.

  4. Beaster2350 says:

    I know exactly what the bunkers where and possibly still are used for. My dad is a painter and one day he got to go into one of those bunkers and paint them. They belong to the military troops in ABQ. He said it was highly secured and they watched his ever move.