Mysterious shirts are on the ground on 13th Street – And no one knows why

July 11, 2023 by 1 Comment

It’s not every day that you’re casually walking down the street and then you see a bunch of shirts on the ground that you’re walking on. Not only this but these shirts are all perfectly placed with no sleeves in sight. For those wondering, this was spotted yesterday on 13th St in Washington.

This prompted a discussion as to why this was – and in fairness, it isn’t exactly a normal sight. According to Washington locals, there are two leading theories. The first is that these shirts provide a practical reason. This is because the photo was taken on a construction site. In other words, these shirts provide anti-slip properties that make the working environment easier to navigate.

The second reason is that it could be some kind of art exhibition done by the local Museum of Women in the Arts which would be quirky, but then again art has always been unusual and different. Arguably, you couldn’t find a bigger juxtaposition between an art piece and a construction trick which are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this and for now at least, the shirts remain in place – while also remaining a mystery. If you can provide any answers to this article then don’t hesitate to let us know the reasoning behind this mysterious sight.

One Reply to “Mysterious shirts are on the ground on 13th Street – And no one knows why”

  1. Iam says:

    Not sure why they’re there but they first appeared a few months ago and disappeared a few days later — only to return a few days later and remain ever since. It’s a portal to another world. Lol