NASCAR crew members fix passerby’s car after bumper crash in Chicago

July 1, 2023 by No Comments

This weekend, NASCAR is in Chicago and this means one thing – cars. In a wholesome twist however, NASCAR crew members were photographed tending to a passerby’s car that had featured in a nearby car accident. Here, the bumper of the car had been completely removed after crashing into the back of another vehicle. It is unknown who was at fault – however, luckily for the driver, a NASCAR car maintenance was quickly there to tend to their vehicle.

As seen, the team quickly got to work trying to fix the bumper and wasted no time getting stuck in. This happened right opposite the garage area on Lake Shore Drive.

Unfortunately, it’s not known whether the NASCAR crew was able to fix the bumper. However, it shows a true act of kindness – and also a lot of luck from the driver. Of all the places in Chicago to have a car accident, of all the times of the year – it just so happened to take place opposite a bunch of car maintenance experts. Honestly, you couldn’t make it up.

Locals took to social media to laud praise on the team and their act of kindness, as they obviously didn’t have to help the driver out and were probably quite busy going about their jobs. One even joked that you wouldn’t get an F1 team doing this – and even though this was said in jest, there’s also a lot of truth in this statement.