New Jersey man names & shames ‘scamming’ Stone Contractors who took $20,000 from him

June 22, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, a New Jersey man took to social media to gain information on a pair of Stone Contractors, who he claimed had ‘scammed’ him. According to his story, he paid $20,000 for stone work, but they then demanded a further $25,000 to complete the job. If true then obviously, this is not acceptable.

Adding further information, he claimed they operated under businesses called Royal Stone Paving and Masonry or Stone Look Paving and Masonry. These were a father and son duo named John and Anthony of Irish heritage who happened to be based in the New Brunswick area of the city.

Sadly, it appears that these guys have a reputation, and after a bit of digging – similar stories begun to pop up online. As seen below, the suspected victim did happen to get some CCTV footage of the pair, but it is pretty grainy.

Based on the original story, others also chimed in with experiences of their own, claiming “This is a long ongoing scam in NJ. My dad has fixed their work several times.” and “I think I just got scammed last week by them as well, I’m 90% sure. The son was skinnier than in that photo but the same black pickup.”

Furthermore, the man in question claimed to leave their company a negative review online, only for it to get removed within a matter of days. Apparently, they continue to trade and their online reviews are flawless. Unfortunately, this story does seem to have a bad ending and it looks as though it will be very difficult for the alleged victim to get their money back. If you have any information or experiences of your own, please let us know in the comments.