New Orleanians polarized after Street Darth Vader arrested

June 26, 2023 by 1 Comment

For the past few years, a man has been going around the city center dressed as a New Orleans-themed Darth Vader. Here, he dances to loud music for money. While this may be a novelty for some, others aren’t really happy with his performance and have grown tired of the act.

This was highlighted more so than ever when he was arrested during the weekend, on the 400 block of Royal. Here, cops handcuffed him and led him away which wasn’t the first time that he’s been arrested either. Although not confirmed, it is believed that he was arrested due to being a public nuisance and playing loud music without a city permit.

If you’re unaware of the New Orleans Darth Vader then the video above gives a good insight into his act, which also includes a tip jar for his ‘Death Star fund’. Now, usually characters are well-liked and can add a bit of charm to an area. However, it turns out that not many are really admirers of him – and here is why.

According to locals, he is often drunk and verbally abusive, while also smelling quite pungent. In fairness, this may be accurate and you can only imagine what it may smell like dancing around in a black suit for hours during the summer months. Not only this but he often starts playing very loud music during the early hours around residential areas. In other words, if you want some peace and quiet, then this man will not let you rest if you’re in earshot. As a result, one person described him as “A stinky nuisance”, while another claimed “He’s been given a million chances to turn the amplified music down and refuses. Perhaps they’ll like his act better at OPP.”

Overall, it seems like the New Orleans public are definitely behind the New Orleans police department and their pursuit of Darth Vader. Perhaps carbonite would be a fitting punishment for his crimes against humanity.

One Reply to “New Orleanians polarized after Street Darth Vader arrested”

  1. Michael Kohler says:

    If you arrest him… you need to arrest All the others who are also going around the quarter with loud music too. Don’t act like he is the only one… I’ve been working in the French Quarter since the early 90s. You all know he is not the only one who has loud music. The people who say bad about Vader will say anything to to make him look bad. Worse things need attention. Don’t discriminate. And I have known Vader for years…he is milf compared to others. What did you expect when you live in the French Quarter…. peace and quiet? Good luck with that. The people who are complaining sound like children. Give attention to the real problems not entertainers who have been here for years doing positive and not crime. Lighten up.