New Road Layout branded ‘Dangerous’ by Indianapolis residents

June 17, 2023 by 2 Comments

A new road layout has been brandished ‘dangerous’ by Indianapolis locals. Specifically talking, this is the new edition of a median curb at 91st and Meridian. As seen, this looks like a potential death trap due to the tightness of the spot and there isn’t much margin for error if your positioning is bad. Having said this, it perhaps isn’t quite as bad as some are making out.

Apparently, the local council are building the median curbs first, and then putting in the new lanes after. At the same time, this begs the question of ‘why do it this way?’ Especially when taking into account the short-term hazards that this method may bring.

Speaking of dodgy road layouts in Indianapolis, this also got others talking about other parts of the city that were problematic. One local said, “Morris at Meridian has been misaligned for as long as I’ve been alive. Can I get that intersection aligned as well?” whilst another claimed, “Indy has a shocking lack of logic systems and variable timing in their traffic lights. It seems like they just set timers and don’t even change it based on time of day or day of the week. Empty downtown on a Sunday afternoon? Red light still waits a few minutes to let the imaginary cars through the other direction…”

So, hopefully this will get sorted sooner rather than later. However, it does also bring up a bigger issue which is that the road layouts in general aren’t the best around these parts and better planning and maintenance should be applied going forward.

2 Replies to “New Road Layout branded ‘Dangerous’ by Indianapolis residents”

  1. Sylvia says:

    When I was driving to Westfield Blvd heading to Carmel, I approach to 116th street, I never seen how dangerous it is on the roundabout. A very poor design roundabout and also when approaching I think Meridian Circle, I do not like that roundabout at all. It should not built one there at all. How can roundabout be safe?

    1. Syeford says:

      31 north from 465 is crazy when you need to get off on 106th street. East bound traffic getting off on 31 will not slow down and difficult for west bound to merge over to exit. Difficult to see traffic due to the cement barriers.
      Someone didn’t think this through!