New Sycamore Bar Opens – But not everyone likes it

June 28, 2023 by No Comments

This weekend saw Sycamore re-open in a new space. And, although it’s possibly the most popular bar in Charlotte, not everyone was happy with the new changes. In fact, there seemed to be one major issue that most people had with the new venue, which seemed to be a persistent criticism from those who had recently visited.

Specifically, many moaned about the noise. While Sycamore has always played music, the new place seemed to amp the volume to 10. This was to the point where it was almost unbearable for some, making conversations difficult as a result.

As ever, Sycamore was still incredibly popular and the physical space is huge. However, it certainly had a few teething problems.

One reveller who went over the weekend had this to say, “It’s way too finished and polished looking, the beers are literally all just some form of IPA that all taste the same, you can’t bring your dog inside to order, and it’s SO loud.”

This prompted a similar response where this Charlottean said, “It was insanely loud when we went. Had to yell across the table. Monday Night Brewing was a great hit yesterday. Plenty of space and a good atmosphere. Pizza looked great but didn’t get to try yesterday.”

Honestly, it seems as though these problems are small, and based on the previous success of Sycamore, they will be rectified quickly. You don’t build such a successful business over the years by accident. So, hopefully next week sees the volume fixed and a return to business as usual. If you visited Sycamore this weekend, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how the new venue felt.